Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Southern Tioga School District has developed an inter school transfer procedure that is outlined in the Inter School Transfer Application. The form is available at any school and by clicking the link below.
In the future, this form and procedure will be used during the course of the year to request building transfers of students out of their geographic attendance area.
Please feel free to direct any questions to the Superintendent’s Office.
Administrative Team
Southern Tioga School District
Inter-School Transfer Procedure
The Board of School Directors shall establish attendance areas for the schools within the Southern Tioga School District. Students will be assigned to a school as determined by the residence of the student’s parents/guardians and the attendance area for the school.
Pursuant to Board Policy 206 Section 3 exceptions to the above, so as to authorize a student to attend a school other than the one assigned, shall require the Superintendent’s approval using the following guidelines and procedures.
1. Exceptions may be granted for educational as well as certain personal reasons.
2. Exceptions cannot be granted for the sole purpose of participation in athletics or other extracurricular activities.
3. Exceptions may be initiated by either the student’s parents/guardians or the school district.
4. Parents/Guardians requesting an exemption shall submit a completed Inter-School Transfer
Application to the principal of the school the student is assigned to attend.
a.The request shall list the student’s name, age, grade, the assigned school, the school
the student wishes to attend, and the reasons for requesting the exception.
b. The parents/guardians must agree in writing to assume the responsibility and cost of
the student’s transportation to the school requested.
c. After receiving the request, the principal(s)shall sign receipt of the request, and then forward the request to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall in turn approve or disapprove the request, stating the reasons for doing so.
5. Should the district initiate the transfer, the district shall be responsible for the student’s
transportation as per the transportation policy.
6. Exceptions that have been granted may be revoked by the Superintendent, with Principal input, and the student returned to their original building due to poor academic performance, acts of misbehavior, or attendance.
7. When an exception has been granted, the new school shall become the school to which the student is assigned for as long as the residence of the student/parent/guardian remains within the original attendance area or the new attendance area. Once a student has been assigned to the school outside the normal attendance area, a request for an exception must be submitted and approved before the student will be allowed to attend the school in the attendance area in which s/he resides.
Transfer Form – click here